Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

set down

  • 1 set down

    ((of a bus etc) to stop and let (passengers) out: The bus set us down outside the post-office.) deixar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > set down

  • 2 set down

    ((of a bus etc) to stop and let (passengers) out: The bus set us down outside the post-office.) deixar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > set down

  • 3 to set down

    to set down
    depositar, descer, registrar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to set down

  • 4 set

    [set] 1. present participle - setting; verb
    1) (to put or place: She set the tray down on the table.) pôr
    2) (to put plates, knives, forks etc on (a table) for a meal: Please would you set the table for me?) pôr
    3) (to settle or arrange (a date, limit, price etc): It's difficult to set a price on a book when you don't know its value.) pôr
    4) (to give a person (a task etc) to do: The witch set the prince three tasks; The teacher set a test for her pupils; He should set the others a good example.) dar
    5) (to cause to start doing something: His behaviour set people talking.) pôr
    6) ((of the sun etc) to disappear below the horizon: It gets cooler when the sun sets.) pôr-se
    7) (to become firm or solid: Has the concrete set?) endurecer
    8) (to adjust (eg a clock or its alarm) so that it is ready to perform its function: He set the alarm for 7.00 a.m.) pôr
    9) (to arrange (hair) in waves or curls.) pentear
    10) (to fix in the surface of something, eg jewels in a ring.) encastoar
    11) (to put (broken bones) into the correct position for healing: They set his broken arm.) endireitar
    2. adjective
    1) (fixed or arranged previously: There is a set procedure for doing this.) prescrito
    2) ((often with on) ready, intending or determined (to do something): He is set on going.) decidido
    3) (deliberate: He had the set intention of hurting her.) deliberado
    4) (stiff; fixed: He had a set smile on his face.) fixo
    5) (not changing or developing: set ideas.) fixo
    6) ((with with) having something set in it: a gold ring set with diamonds.) engastado
    3. noun
    1) (a group of things used or belonging together: a set of carving tools; a complete set of (the novels of) Jane Austen.) colecção
    2) (an apparatus for receiving radio or television signals: a television/radio set.) aparelho
    3) (a group of people: the musical set.) conjunto
    4) (the process of setting hair: a shampoo and set.) penteado
    5) (scenery for a play or film: There was a very impressive set in the final act.) cenário
    6) (a group of six or more games in tennis: She won the first set and lost the next two.) set
    - setback
    - set phrase
    - set-square
    - setting-lotion
    - set-to
    - set-up
    - all set
    - set about
    - set someone against someone
    - set against someone
    - set someone against
    - set against
    - set aside
    - set back
    - set down
    - set in
    - set off
    - set something or someone on someone
    - set on someone
    - set something or someone on
    - set on
    - set out
    - set to
    - set up
    - set up camp
    - set up house
    - set up shop
    - set upon
    * * *
    [set] n 1 jogo, grupo, conjunto, coleção, série. 2 sociedade, facção. 3 grupo, círculo. 4 conjunto de piadas e estórias no espetáculo de um comediante. 5 Theat, Cin cenário. 6 Radio aparelho, receptor, emissor. 7 porte, posição, forma, ajuste. 8 direção, tendência, curso, rumo. 9 inclinação, deslocação. 10 planta, muda, rebento. 11 fruta recentemente formada da flor. 12 solidificação, endurecimento. 13 Tennis set: série de seis pontos. 14 ato de amarrar (de um cão de caça). 15 ninhada de ovos. 16 trava de serra. 17 última demão de reboque. • vt+vi (ps, pp set) 1 pôr, colocar, localizar, assentar, adaptar, plantar. 2 ajustar, endireitar. 3 regular, acertar. 4 fixar, estabelecer, definir. 5 determinar. 6 apontar, designar. 7 marcar, fixar. 8 dar (exemplo). 9 ligar, firmar. 10 ficar firme, solidificar, coalhar, endurecer, pegar (cimento). 11 montar, engastar. 12 adornar, ornamentar. 13 descer, pôr-se (sol), baixar (maré). 14 chocar, pôr para chocar, colocar ovos para chocar. 15 amarrar (cão de caça). 16 cair, assentar-se, adaptar-se, servir (vestido). 17 tender, dirigir-se, rumar, soprar, vir de (vento). 18 começar a mover-se, pôr-se em movimento. 19 aplicar-se. 20 formar fruta. 21 adaptar. 22 pôr em música, compor. 23 Typogr compor. 24 afiar, assentar (corte de faca, etc.). 25 reduzir (osso deslocado). 26 meter velas. • adj 1 fixado, estabelecido, predeterminado, prescrito. 2 fixo, rígido, imóvel, estacionário. 3 obstinado, aferrado. 4 firme, duro, endurecido. 5 decidido. it was set before him foi apresentado a ele. my set purpose minha firme intenção. to set about começar, tomar providências, iniciar. he doesn’t know how to set about it / ele não sabe como começá-lo. to set apart pôr de lado, reservar. to set a poem to music pôr versos em música. to set aside desprezar, pôr de lado. to set at defiance desafiar. to set back atrasar (relógio), retroceder, impedir, parar. to set behind colocar atrás, descuidar. to set by reservar, separar para uso no futuro. to set down depositar, descer, registrar. to set eyes on something ver, perceber, notar alguma coisa. to set fire to pôr fogo em, acender. to set forth mostrar, demonstrar, anunciar, levantar, partir. to set forward promover, ajudar, continuar, viajar, partir, sair de viagem. to set free liberar. to set in começar, iniciar. a heavy storm set in / caiu um forte temporal. to set in motion pôr em movimento. to set in order arrumar, pôr em ordem. to set off against destacar-se de. to set on incitar, instigar, atacar. to set one’s hand to meter mãos à obra. to set out plantar, enfeitar, adornar, demonstrar, delimitar, exibir, partir, levantar, levantar-se, pôr-se a caminho. to set pen to paper começar a escrever. to set right corrigir. to set someone up as judge arvorar-se em juiz. to set to começar a brigar. to set to work começar a trabalhar, fazer trabalhar. to set up levantar, montar, comprar, iniciar (negócio), fundar, instalar, auxiliar, ajudar, soltar (grito), estabelecer, instituir, estabelecer-se, tornar-se independente. he set up for himself / ele começou a trabalhar por conta própria. to set up a reserve instituir um fundo de reserva. to set up in print compor, tipografar. with set teeth com os dentes cerrados.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > set

  • 5 set

    [set] 1. present participle - setting; verb
    1) (to put or place: She set the tray down on the table.) colocar
    2) (to put plates, knives, forks etc on (a table) for a meal: Please would you set the table for me?) pôr
    3) (to settle or arrange (a date, limit, price etc): It's difficult to set a price on a book when you don't know its value.) estabelecer
    4) (to give a person (a task etc) to do: The witch set the prince three tasks; The teacher set a test for her pupils; He should set the others a good example.) dar
    5) (to cause to start doing something: His behaviour set people talking.) provocar
    6) ((of the sun etc) to disappear below the horizon: It gets cooler when the sun sets.) pôr-se
    7) (to become firm or solid: Has the concrete set?)
    8) (to adjust (eg a clock or its alarm) so that it is ready to perform its function: He set the alarm for 7.00 a.m.) ajustar
    9) (to arrange (hair) in waves or curls.) arrumar, ajeitar
    10) (to fix in the surface of something, eg jewels in a ring.) incrustar
    11) (to put (broken bones) into the correct position for healing: They set his broken arm.) ajustar
    2. adjective
    1) (fixed or arranged previously: There is a set procedure for doing this.) estabelecido
    2) ((often with on) ready, intending or determined (to do something): He is set on going.) resolvido a
    3) (deliberate: He had the set intention of hurting her.) firme
    4) (stiff; fixed: He had a set smile on his face.) fixo
    5) (not changing or developing: set ideas.) firme, rígido
    6) ((with with) having something set in it: a gold ring set with diamonds.) incrustado de
    3. noun
    1) (a group of things used or belonging together: a set of carving tools; a complete set of (the novels of) Jane Austen.) conjunto, coleção
    2) (an apparatus for receiving radio or television signals: a television/radio set.) aparelho
    3) (a group of people: the musical set.) conjunto
    4) (the process of setting hair: a shampoo and set.) arranjo, mise en plis
    5) (scenery for a play or film: There was a very impressive set in the final act.) cenário
    6) (a group of six or more games in tennis: She won the first set and lost the next two.) set
    - setback - set phrase - set-square - setting-lotion - set-to - set-up - all set - set about - set someone against someone - set against someone - set someone against - set against - set aside - set back - set down - set in - set off - set something or someone on someone - set on someone - set something or someone on - set on - set out - set to - set up - set up camp - set up house - set up shop - set upon

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > set

  • 6 down

    I 1. adverb
    1) (towards or in a low or lower position, level or state: He climbed down to the bottom of the ladder.) para baixo
    2) (on or to the ground: The little boy fell down and cut his knee.) no chão
    3) (from earlier to later times: The recipe has been handed down in our family for years.) através do tempo
    4) (from a greater to a smaller size, amount etc: Prices have been going down steadily.) para baixo
    5) (towards or in a place thought of as being lower, especially southward or away from a centre: We went down from Glasgow to Bristol.) para o sul
    2. preposition
    1) (in a lower position on: Their house is halfway down the hill.) a descer
    2) (to a lower position on, by, through or along: Water poured down the drain.) para baixo
    3) (along: The teacher's gaze travelled slowly down the line of children.) ao longo de
    3. verb
    (to finish (a drink) very quickly, especially in one gulp: He downed a pint of beer.) emborcar
    - downwards
    - downward
    - down-and-out
    - down-at-heel
    - downcast
    - downfall
    - downgrade
    - downhearted
    - downhill
    - downhill racing
    - downhill skiing
    - down-in-the-mouth
    - down payment
    - downpour
    - downright
    4. adjective - downstream
    - down-to-earth
    - downtown
    - downtown
    - down-trodden
    - be/go down with
    - down on one's luck
    - down tools
    - down with
    - get down to
    - suit someone down to the ground
    - suit down to the ground
    II noun
    (small, soft feathers: a quilt filled with down.) penugem
    - downy
    * * *
    [daun] n 1 duna. 2 terreno elevado e colinoso coberto de relva no sul da Inglaterra, usado como pastagem, colinas perto do mar no norte e no sul da Inglaterra ( the Downs), enseada entre os promontórios no norte e no sul da Inglaterra. 3 penugem, penas, pêlos ou cabelos que primeiro nascem, buço, cotão, lanugem, frouxel. 4 qualquer substância fofa, macia ou felpuda. 5 pêlo nas cascas de plantas ou frutas. 6 movimento em declive, descida. 7 revés de fortuna (especialmente no plural). 8 sl desconfiança. • vt+vi coll abaixar, abater, sujeitar, derrubar, dominar, humilhar, descer, descender, engolir rapidamente. • adj 1 abatido, desanimado, descoroçoado, deprimido. I may be down but not out / nem tudo está perdido. 2 em estado ou condição inferior. 3 em declive. 4 doente, adoentado. he is down with the flu / ele tem gripe. 5 Amer terminado. 6 Comp fora do ar, inoperante. • adv 1 abaixo, para baixo, em descida, em declive. 2 em decadência. 3 em posição deitada no chão. 4 abaixo do horizonte. 5 no ponto inferior, ao mais baixo grau. 6 do norte ao sul. 7 de origem, propriedade ou época anterior. 8 a uma quantia inferior, a um preço reduzido. 9 em estado de sujeição, depressão, desgraça ou perigo. 10 efetivamente, realmente, com atenção, com aplicação. 11 por escrito, no papel, em preto no branco. 12 à vista, contra entrega. 13 Naut a sotavento. 14 seguindo a corrente. 15 em estado mais calmo, menos intenso. 16 em mau estado físico. • prep abaixo, para baixo, em declive, ao longo de, em direção inferior. • interj abaixo! deita! senta! the ups and downs at life as vicissitudes da vida. down and out totalmente desprovido, privado de recursos, arruinado, liquidado, vencido. down at heel maltrapilho, descuidado no traje. down for em uma lista de espera. down for Tuesday anunciado para terça-feira. down from town afastado da cidade. down in the country no campo, no interior. down in the mouth descoroçoado, desalentado, desanimado. down on zangado ou aborrecido com. down on one’s knees de joelhos. down on one’s luck necessitado de dinheiro, pronto. down the centuries no correr dos séculos. down the river pelo rio abaixo, seguindo a corrente. down the wind a sotavento. down to hell! vá para o inferno! down to the ground coll completamente. down with him! derriba-o! deita-o abaixo! he is down upon his luck ele está sem sorte. he was tracked down at last finalmente ele foi achado. the sun is down o sol se pôs. the thermometer is down by five degrees o termômetro desceu 5 graus. the wind is down cessou o vento. to bear down, to beat down Naut pôr-se a barlavento. to be down on ser severo, rude com alguém, tratar mal, falar rudemente a alguém. to bend down curvar-se. to calm down acalmar. to clean the house down limpar a casa toda. to come down vir abaixo, descer, fig baixar, abater-se, ceder, cair na miséria. to come down with cair de cama com. to down tools fazer greve. to fly down aterrissar, descer voando, voar para. to get down 1 apear, descer. 2 engolir, tragar alguma coisa. to get down to business ir ao que interessa, ir direto ao assunto. to get down to work trabalhar com afinco. to go down 1 afundar, soçobrar. 2 deixar a universidade para as férias ou no fim do trimestre. 3 baixar (o preço). 4 acalmar-se (o vento). to have a down on coll guardar rancor a. to hunt down = link=%20to%20ride%20down to ride down. to kneel down ajoelhar-se. to knock down atropelar. to let someone down 1 humilhar. 2 deixar ao desamparo, abandonar alguém. to lie down deitar-se. to pay cash down pagar à vista. to put a down on sl dar informações sobre, delatar, denunciar. to put down 1 depor. 2 assentar por escrito, notar, registrar. to ride down 1 alcançar perseguindo. 2 forçar, escaramuçar, atropelar. to send down expulsar ou suspender um estudante. to set down 1 assentar por escrito, notar. 2 mencionar, citar. 3 resolver. 4 registrar. to shout down fazer calar mediante gritos. to sit down sentar-se. to step down descer. to stoop down abaixar-se. to take down 1 assentar por escrito, notar, registrar. 2 pôr abaixo, deitar abaixo. to turn down the radio diminuir o volume do rádio. to write down assentar por escrito, notar, registrar. up and down aqui e acolá, de lá para cá, para baixo e para cima, por toda parte. upside down de cabeça para baixo, ao revés, às avessas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > down

  • 7 to send down

    to send down
    expulsar ou suspender um estudante. to set down 1 assentar por escrito, notar. 2 mencionar, citar. 3 resolver. 4 registrar.
    to send down
    mandar para baixo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to send down

  • 8 deposit

    [di'pozit] 1. verb
    1) (to put or set down: She deposited her shopping-basket in the kitchen.) pousar
    2) (to put in for safe keeping: He deposited the money in the bank.) depositar
    2. noun
    1) (an act of putting money in a bank etc: She made several large deposits at the bank during that month.) depósito
    2) (an act of paying money as a guarantee that money which is or will be owed will be paid: We have put down a deposit on a house in the country.) depósito
    3) (the money put into a bank or paid as a guarantee in this way: We decided we could not afford to go on holiday and managed to get back the deposit which we had paid.) depósito
    4) (a quantity of solid matter that has settled at the bottom of a liquid, or is left behind by a liquid: The flood-water left a yellow deposit over everything.) depósito
    5) (a layer (of coal, iron etc) occurring naturally in rock: rich deposits of iron ore.) depósito
    * * *
    [dip'ɔzit] n 1 depósito, coisa depositada, dinheiro depositado num banco. 2 penhor, adiantamento de dinheiro, garantia de pagamento, dinheiro de sinal, fiança. 3 sedimento, substâncias que se depositam no fundo de um líquido, incrustação na caldeira. 4 Geol depósito, reunião estratificada de matérias transportadas ou solidificadas, jazida. • vt+vi 1 depositar, pôr em depósito, guardar em lugar seguro, dar a guardar temporariamente. 2 precipitar, sedimentar, assentar, formar depósito. on deposit confiado aos cuidados de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > deposit

  • 9 drop

    [drop] 1. noun
    1) (a small round or pear-shaped blob of liquid, usually falling: a drop of rain.) gota
    2) (a small quantity (of liquid): If you want more wine, there's a drop left.) gota
    3) (an act of falling: a drop in temperature.) queda
    4) (a vertical descent: From the top of the mountain there was a sheer drop of a thousand feet.) queda
    2. verb
    1) (to let fall, usually accidentally: She dropped a box of pins all over the floor.) deixar cair
    2) (to fall: The coin dropped through the grating; The cat dropped on to its paws.) cair
    3) (to give up (a friend, a habit etc): I think she's dropped the idea of going to London.) abandonar
    4) (to set down from a car etc: The bus dropped me at the end of the road.) deixar
    5) (to say or write in an informal and casual manner: I'll drop her a note.) escrever
    - droppings
    - drop-out
    - drop a brick / drop a clanger
    - drop back
    - drop by
    - drop in
    - drop off
    - drop out
    * * *
    [drɔp] n 1 gota, pingo. 2 qualquer coisa que tem forma de gota. 3 pendente, brinco, penduricalho, pingente, berloque. 4 pano de teatro. 5 queda, declive, descida, declínio. 6 dose, gole, trago. 7 partezinha, porção ínfima, bocado, pequena quantidade de líquido ou de qualquer outra coisa. 8 altura entre dois níveis, desnível. 9 descida de pára-quedas. 10 Amer ponto central de distribuição. 11 fenda por onde se colocam cartas, etc. 12 n pl gotas medicinais. 13 n pl várias espécies de balas confeitadas ou pastilhas. • vt+vi (ps, pp dropped) 1 pingar, gotejar, cair ou deixar cair gota a gota, destilar. 2 deixar cair alguma coisa, cair, pôr, colocar, deixar cair repentinamente. 3 desprender-se, soltar. 4 diminuir, baixar. 5 descer, deixar descer dum carro, etc. 6 renunciar a, desistir de, deixar, descontinuar, pôr fim a, largar, suspender, cessar, acalmar (o vento). 7 deixar escapar uma palavra, insinuar de passagem. 8 cair, chegar inesperadamente, entrar ou visitar casualmente. 9 escrever umas linhas. 10 coll perder. 11 perder terreno, recuar. 12 derrubar com um soco ou um tiro. 13 deixar de fora, suprimir. 14 sl consumir drogas por via oral. 15 dar cria. a drop in prices uma queda dos preços. a drop in the bucket uma gota de água no oceano. at the drop of a hat ao primeiro sinal, imediatamente. by drops gota a gota. drop dead! vá para o inferno! drop it! pare com isso! let’s drop it vamos esquecer esse assunto. to drop across encontrar por acaso. to drop a hint insinuar casualmente. to drop a line escrever umas linhas. to drop an acquaintance descontinuar o contato com alguém, cortar relações. to drop asleep cair no sono, adormecer. to drop astern Naut ir para trás, ficar para trás a fim de dar passagem a outro navio. to drop a subject mudar de assunto. to drop away afastar-se, diminuir gradualmente. to drop a word deixar escapar uma palavra. to drop behind 1 ficar atrás. 2 atrasar (pagamento). to drop bombs lançar bombas. to drop dead cair morto. to drop down Naut navegar rio abaixo. to drop everything abandonar tudo. to drop in/ over aparecer sem avisar, fazer uma visita informal. to drop into gear engrenar. to drop off 1 diminuir, cair. 2 coll partir, desaparecer. 3 adormecer. to drop out desligar-se, cair fora, deixar de freqüentar. to drop short não conseguir o seu intento. to drop the curtain descer o pano de boca. to get/ have the drop on 1 ter sob a mira do revólver. 2 levar a melhor, ficar em melhor posição. to have a drop too much ficar embriagado, beber demais.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > drop

  • 10 music

    ['mju:zik] 1. noun
    1) (the art of arranging and combining sounds able to be produced by the human voice or by instruments: She prefers classical music to popular music; She is studying music; ( also adjective) a music lesson.) música
    2) (the written form in which such tones etc are set down: The pianist has forgotten to bring her music.) música
    2. noun
    (a film or play that includes a large amount of singing, dancing etc.) musical
    - musician
    * * *
    [mj'u:zik] n 1 música. 2 harmonia. 3 composição musical. 4 notas musicais. to be music to ones’ ears deixar feliz. to face the music enfrentar dificuldades corajosamente. to set to music musicar, pôr em música.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > music

  • 11 deposit

    [di'pozit] 1. verb
    1) (to put or set down: She deposited her shopping-basket in the kitchen.) colocar
    2) (to put in for safe keeping: He deposited the money in the bank.) depositar
    2. noun
    1) (an act of putting money in a bank etc: She made several large deposits at the bank during that month.) depósito
    2) (an act of paying money as a guarantee that money which is or will be owed will be paid: We have put down a deposit on a house in the country.) depósito, sinal
    3) (the money put into a bank or paid as a guarantee in this way: We decided we could not afford to go on holiday and managed to get back the deposit which we had paid.) depósito, sinal
    4) (a quantity of solid matter that has settled at the bottom of a liquid, or is left behind by a liquid: The flood-water left a yellow deposit over everything.) depósito
    5) (a layer (of coal, iron etc) occurring naturally in rock: rich deposits of iron ore.) jazida

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > deposit

  • 12 dump

    1. verb
    1) (to set (down) heavily: She dumped the heavy shopping-bag on the table.) arriar
    2) (to unload and leave (eg rubbish): People dump things over our wall.) despejar
    2. noun
    (a place for leaving or storing unwanted things: a rubbish dump.) despejo
    * * *
    [d∧mp] n 1 monte de lixo, depósito de lixo ou de entulho. 2 Mil paiol, depósito de pólvora ou de outros apetrechos de guerra. 3 casa ou lugar sujo, espelunca. 4 Comp ato de descarregar o conteúdo parcial ou total de um determinado trecho da memória ou de um arquivo do computador para verificar o seu conteúdo. vt+vi 1 esvaziar, descarregar em massa, lançar por terra, descarregar lixo, etc., emborcar. 2 queimar, liquidar, vender ou exportar a preço abaixo do mercado. 3 livrar-se de sobras ou de pessoas indesejáveis. 4 sentar-se de repente e pesadamente. 5 Mil acomodar. 6 Comp copiar dados de uma área de armazenamento para outra. city dump depósito ou entulho municipal.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > dump

  • 13 method

    1) (the way in which one does something: I don't like his methods of training workers.) método
    2) (an orderly or fixed series of actions for doing something: Follow the method set down in the instruction book.) método
    3) (good sense and a definite plan: Her work seems to lack method.) método
    - methodically
    * * *
    [m'eθəd] n método.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > method

  • 14 drop

    [drop] 1. noun
    1) (a small round or pear-shaped blob of liquid, usually falling: a drop of rain.) gota
    2) (a small quantity (of liquid): If you want more wine, there's a drop left.) gota
    3) (an act of falling: a drop in temperature.) queda
    4) (a vertical descent: From the top of the mountain there was a sheer drop of a thousand feet.) declive
    2. verb
    1) (to let fall, usually accidentally: She dropped a box of pins all over the floor.) deixar cair
    2) (to fall: The coin dropped through the grating; The cat dropped on to its paws.) cair
    3) (to give up (a friend, a habit etc): I think she's dropped the idea of going to London.) abandonar
    4) (to set down from a car etc: The bus dropped me at the end of the road.) deixar, largar
    5) (to say or write in an informal and casual manner: I'll drop her a note.) escrever, rabiscar
    - droppings - drop-out - drop a brick / drop a clanger - drop back - drop by - drop in - drop off - drop out

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > drop

  • 15 dump

    1. verb
    1) (to set (down) heavily: She dumped the heavy shopping-bag on the table.) largar
    2) (to unload and leave (eg rubbish): People dump things over our wall.) despejar, descarregar
    2. noun
    (a place for leaving or storing unwanted things: a rubbish dump.) despejo

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > dump

  • 16 method

    1) (the way in which one does something: I don't like his methods of training workers.) método
    2) (an orderly or fixed series of actions for doing something: Follow the method set down in the instruction book.) método
    3) (good sense and a definite plan: Her work seems to lack method.) método
    - methodically

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > method

  • 17 music

    ['mju:zik] 1. noun
    1) (the art of arranging and combining sounds able to be produced by the human voice or by instruments: She prefers classical music to popular music; She is studying music; ( also adjective) a music lesson.) música
    2) (the written form in which such tones etc are set down: The pianist has forgotten to bring her music.) música
    2. noun
    (a film or play that includes a large amount of singing, dancing etc.) musical
    - musician

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > music

  • 18 foot

    plural - feet; noun
    1) (the part of the leg on which a person or animal stands or walks: My feet are very sore from walking so far.)
    2) (the lower part of anything: at the foot of the hill.) sopé
    3) ((plural often foot; often abbreviated to ft when written) a measure of length equal to twelve inches (30.48 cm): He is five feet/foot six inches tall; a four-foot wall.)
    - football
    - foothill
    - foothold
    - footlight
    - footman
    - footmark
    - footnote
    - footpath
    - footprint
    - footsore
    - footstep
    - footwear
    - follow in someone's footsteps
    - foot the bill
    - on foot
    - put one's foot down
    - put one's foot in it
    * * *
    [fut] n (pl feet) 1 pé. 2 base, suporte. 3 sopé, fundo, rodapé. 4 margem inferior (de uma página). 5 o último de uma série. 6 pé: medida de comprimento equivalente a doze polegadas ou 30,48 cm. 7 garra, pata, perna. 8 Poet pé: divisão de um verso. 9 Mil gente de pé, infantaria, soldados de infantaria. • vt+vi 1 pôr novo pé em. 2 andar a pé, caminhar, atravessar a pé, pisar cadenciadamente, ir a pé. 3 dançar. 4 somar, adicionar. a foot in both camps em cima do muro, não se decidir por nenhum dos lados. at his feet aos pés dele. at the foot ao pé (da página). at the foot of the hill no sopé da colina. foot by foot pé ante pé, passo a passo, devagar, cautelosamente. from head to foot dos pés à cabeça. he never puts a foot wrong ele nunca erra. he put his foot on the floor coll, Auto ele acelerou a marcha. he shall not set foot in my house ele não há de entrar na minha casa, ele não há de pôr os pés na minha casa. light/ swift of foot ligeiro de pés. on foot a pé, em pé, em movimento, em andamento, em obra, em projeto, em vias de conclusão. on one’s feet em pé, de pé, fig de boa saúde, próspero, florescente. six foot/ feet five seis pés e cinco polegadas. the first, the first regiment of foot regimento de infantaria n<U>o</U> 1. they helped him to his feet eles ajudaram-no a levantar-se. to carry someone off one’s feet entusiasmar, empolgar alguém. to drag one’s foot fazer corpo mole, ser deliberadamente lerdo em tomar uma decisão. to find one’s foot sentir-se confiante. to foot it coll dançar, caminhar, correr. to foot up somar. to get/ have cold feet acovardar-se. to go on foot andar a pé. to have one foot in the grave estar com um pé na sepultura, estar com os pés na cova. to keep one’s feet/ footing manter-se em pé, não cair. to know the length of s. o.’s foot conhecer alguém muito bem, conhecer o fraco de alguém. to put one’s best foot forward coll a) andar o mais rápido possível. b) esmerar-se, fazer o melhor possível. c) apresentar boa aparência para causar boa impressão. to put one’s foot down agir firme e decididamente, bater o pé, ser enérgico, porfiar. to put one’s foot in it meter os pés pelas mãos. to put one’s foot in one’s mouth falar o que não deve, falar bobagem, fig dar um fora. to set foot in meter ou pôr o pé em alguma parte, introduzir-se. to set on foot iniciar, dar o primeiro impulso, pôr em obra, lançar, pôr em movimento. to show the cloven foot revelar má índole. to stand on one’s own two feet ser independente, ser dono do seu nariz. to start off on the right/ left foot começar com o pé direito/esquerdo. to sweep off one’s feet entusiasmar-se, apaixonar-se. to tread under foot pisar, calcar aos pés. two feet long dois pés de comprimento. under foot no meio do caminho.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > foot

  • 19 lay

    I 1. [lei] past tense, past participle - laid; verb
    1) (to place, set or put (down), often carefully: She laid the clothes in a drawer / on a chair; He laid down his pencil; She laid her report before the committee.) pousar
    2) (to place in a lying position: She laid the baby on his back.) deitar
    3) (to put in order or arrange: She went to lay the table for dinner; to lay one's plans / a trap.) preparar
    4) (to flatten: The animal laid back its ears; The wind laid the corn flat.) achatar
    5) (to cause to disappear or become quiet: to lay a ghost / doubts.) aplacar
    6) ((of a bird) to produce (eggs): The hen laid four eggs; My hens are laying well.) pôr
    7) (to bet: I'll lay five pounds that you don't succeed.) apostar
    2. verb
    (to put, cut or arrange in layers: She had her hair layered by the hairdresser.) pôr em camadas
    - lay-by
    - layout
    - laid up
    - lay aside
    - lay bare
    - lay by
    - lay down
    - lay one's hands on
    - lay hands on
    - lay in
    - lay low
    - lay off
    - lay on
    - lay out
    - lay up
    - lay waste
    II see lie II III [lei] adjective
    1) (not a member of the clergy: lay preachers.) laico
    2) (not an expert or a professional (in a particular subject): Doctors tend to use words that lay people don't understand.) leigo
    IV [lei] noun
    (an epic poem.)
    * * *
    [lei] n 1 situação, posição, configuração. 2 postura. 3 camada. 4 parte nos lucros, quinhão. 5 ramo de negócios, atividade, ocupação, emprego. 6 vulg ato sexual. 7 vulg parceiro no ato sexual. • vt+vi (ps and pp laid) 1 derrubar, deitar, prostrar, abater. 2 pôr, colocar, assentar. 3 acalmar ou fazer desaparecer, exorcizar, conjurar, aplacar. 4 deitar em posição de repouso, depositar, pousar, estender. 5 dispor, planejar, preparar, arranjar. 6 imputar, atribuir. the crime is being laid to her / o crime está sendo atribuído a ela. 7 apresentar (queixa, protesto). 8 sl ter relações sexuais. 9 enterrar. 10 apontar (armas). 11 localizar(-se). the scene is laid in New York / a cena se passa em Nova York. lay of the land 1 configuração do terreno. 2 estado de coisas. to lay about. a) distribuir socos a esmo. b) atacar com socos ou palavras. to lay a claim to reclamar, reivindicar. to lay an ambush preparar uma emboscada. to lay aside/ away a) pôr de lado, separar, guardar para uso futuro. b) deixar de, largar, abandonar. to lay a tax impor um imposto. to lay bare a) revelar. b) despir, desnudar. to lay before exibir, mostrar, exprimir. to lay blows dar pancadas, socos. to lay bricks assentar tijolos. to lay by economizar, guardar. to lay by the heels aprisionar, prender. to lay down a) depositar, pousar no chão, deitar. b) depor (armas). c) declarar, afirmar. d) pagar, apostar. e) formular, traçar. f) reservar, guardar, armazenar. g) sacrificar. h) construir. to lay down one’s arms render-se. to lay down one’s life sacrificar a vida. to lay down the law repreender com severidade. to lay eggs pôr ovos. to lay fast agarrar e segurar firmemente. to lay fire pôr fogo. to lay hands on a) pôr mãos à obra. b) tocar. c) assaltar. d) agarrar. to lay hands upon oneself suicidar-se. to lay heads together deliberar, conferenciar. to lay hold of/on agarrar, prender, segurar. to lay in armazenar, pôr em estoque. to lay into bater, espancar. to lay it on exagerar bastante. to lay it to one’s door atribuir a culpa a outrem. to lay off a) despedir empregados, cortar pessoal. b) parar. to lay on a) impor, infligir. b) golpear. c) instalar. to lay open a) expor, descobrir. b) explicar. to lay out a) dispor, arranjar, projetar, traçar. b) mostrar, expor. c) gastar, desembolsar. d) vestir defunto. e) nocautear, pôr fora de combate. to lay over cobrir. to lay plans fazer preparativos ou planos. to lay siege to a) sitiar, cercar. b) importunar, assediar. to lay ten dollars on a horse apostar dez dólares num cavalo. to lay the blame on someone responsabilizar, imputar responsabilidade a alguém. to lay the hands on Eccl impor as mãos. to lay the land perder a terra de vista. to lay the loss at avaliar o prejuízo em. to lay the nap of a cloth alisar a lanugem (pano). to lay the table pôr a mesa. to lay to parar (navio). to lay together a) pôr lado a lado. b) somar. to lay to heart a) sentir profundamente. b) tomar seriamente em consideração. to lay to sleep/ rest enterrar. to lay to the oars remar a toda força. to lay under sujeitar a, submeter. to lay up a) armazenar. b) economizar. c) ficar na cama. d) pôr um navio no dique. to lay wait ficar à espreita, emboscar. to lay waste assolar, devastar.
    [lei] vi ps of lie.
    [lei] n 1 balada. 2 fig canção, canto.
    [lei] adj leigo, secular.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lay

  • 20 right

    1. adjective
    1) (on or related to the side of the body which in most people has the more skilful hand, or to the side of a person or thing which is toward the east when that person or thing is facing north (opposite to left): When I'm writing, I hold my pen in my right hand.) direito
    2) (correct: Put that book back in the right place; Is that the right answer to the question?) certo
    3) (morally correct; good: It's not right to let thieves keep what they have stolen.) certo
    4) (suitable; appropriate: He's not the right man for this job; When would be the right time to ask him?) certo
    2. noun
    1) (something a person is, or ought to be, allowed to have, do etc: Everyone has the right to a fair trial; You must fight for your rights; You have no right to say that.) direito
    2) (that which is correct or good: Who's in the right in this argument?) razão
    3) (the right side, part or direction: Turn to the right; Take the second road on the right.) direita
    4) (in politics, the people, group, party or parties holding the more traditional beliefs etc.) direita
    3. adverb
    1) (exactly: He was standing right here.) exactamente
    2) (immediately: I'll go right after lunch; I'll come right down.) imediatamente
    3) (close: He was standing right beside me.) bem
    4) (completely; all the way: The bullet went right through his arm.) totalmente
    5) (to the right: Turn right.) à direita
    6) (correctly: Have I done that right?; I don't think this sum is going to turn out right.) bem
    4. verb
    1) (to bring back to the correct, usually upright, position: The boat tipped over, but righted itself again.) endireitar
    2) (to put an end to and make up for something wrong that has been done: He's like a medieval knight, going about the country looking for wrongs to right.) corrigir
    5. interjection
    (I understand; I'll do what you say etc: `I want you to type some letters for me.' `Right, I'll do them now.') com certeza
    - righteously
    - righteousness
    - rightful
    - rightfully
    - rightly
    - rightness
    - righto
    - right-oh
    - rights
    - right angle
    - right-angled
    - right-hand
    - right-handed
    - right wing
    6. adjective
    ((right-wing) (having opinions which are) of this sort.) da direita
    - by rights
    - by right
    - get
    - keep on the right side of
    - get right
    - go right
    - not in one's right mind
    - not quite right in the head
    - not right in the head
    - put right
    - put/set to rights
    - right away
    - right-hand man
    - right now
    - right of way
    - serve right
    * * *
    [rait] n 1 direito, o que é justo ou correto. we had a right to do so / tínhamos o direito de assim proceder. 2 justiça, eqüidade. 3 reivindicação, pretensão. 4 privilégio, prerrogativa, regalia. 5 direitos. 6 lado direito ou o que fica no lado direito, mão direita. 7 Sport soco com a direita. 8 direita: o partido conservador. 9 opção (para compra de ações) ou o certificado negociável referente a essa opção. • vt+vi 1 corrigir, pôr em ordem, regularizar, retificar, endireitar. 2 fazer justiça, reabilitar, defender. 3 reassumir ou restaurar posição correta. • adj 1 direito, reto. 2 vertical, a prumo. 3 correto, justo, honesto. 4 bom, próprio, adequado, conveniente, indicado. 5 sadio, são, normal. he is not in his right mind / ele não está com a cabeça no lugar. 6 exato, correto, certo. 7 verdadeiro, genuíno, real, legítimo. 8 à direita, do lado direito. 9 direito. 10 externo, superior (lado de um tecido, etc.). • adv 1 corretamente, justamente, de acordo com os princípios de justiça e moral, verdadeiramente, propriamente. 2 exatamente, corretamente, bem, satisfatoriamente, precisamente. he did quite right to leave / ele fez bem em sair ou partir. 3 muito, bastante, extremamente. 4 para a direita. 5 diretamente, em linha reta, de modo reto. 6 imediatamente, sem demora, logo, neste instante. all right muito bem, está certo, está em ordem. all rights reserved todos os direitos reservados. as of right de direito. as right as perfeitamente bem, em boa saúde, pronto para outra. at the right of the table à direita da mesa. by right of por força de. by rights por direito. he is in the right ele tem razão. human rights direitos humanos. I am not right a) não estou bem, não estou disposto. b) não tenho razão. in one’s own right por si mesmo, por seus próprios méritos. in one’s right mind em sã consciência. it is all right está bem, não importa. it serves you right! bem feito! on the right à direita. right about turn meia-volta (à direita). right ahead! para a frente! para diante! right along sem parar, continuamente. right away imediatamente. right down completamente, perfeitamente, inteiramente. right enough a) satisfatório. b) sem sombra de dúvida. right here aqui mesmo. right in bem para dentro. right now agora mesmo. right off imediatamente. right oh! certo! confere! right there aí, ali ou lá mesmo. right you are perfeitamente. she is on the right side of thirty ela ainda não fez trinta anos, ela ainda não chegou aos trinta. to be right out estar de saída, sair já. the right man in the right place o homem certo no lugar certo. the right way modo, método, caminho certo, a seguir. to put ( to set) to rights pôr em ordem, acertar. to spend money right and left esbanjar dinheiro a torto e a direito. we got it right esclarecemos o caso. you are right você está certo, tem razão.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > right

См. также в других словарях:

  • set down — I verb book, calender, chronicle, commit to writing, docket, enter, jot down, line up, list, note, place, plan, post, program, put on record, record, register, schedule, slate associated concepts: set down for trial II index alight, avow,… …   Law dictionary

  • set down — (something) to write or print something. He set down his memories of his trip to Italy as a child. When you get a chance, set your ideas down on paper. Related vocabulary: lay down something …   New idioms dictionary

  • set down — ► set down record in writing or as an authoritative rule or principle. Main Entry: ↑set …   English terms dictionary

  • set-down — setˈ down noun 1. A rebuff or snub 2. A scolding • • • Main Entry: ↑set …   Useful english dictionary

  • set|down — «SEHT DOWN», noun. a humiliating rebuke or rebuff: »I wish you had been there…to have given him one of your setdowns (Jane Austen) …   Useful english dictionary

  • set down to — index attribute Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • set down — verb 1. put down in writing; of texts, musical compositions, etc. (Freq. 2) • Syn: ↑write down, ↑get down, ↑put down • Hypernyms: ↑write • Hyponyms: ↑transcri …   Useful english dictionary

  • set down — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms set down : present tense I/you/we/they set down he/she/it sets down present participle setting down past tense set down past participle set down 1) to write something on a piece of paper so that it will not be …   English dictionary

  • set down — {v.} 1. To write; record. * /He set down all his important thoughts in his dairy./ * /At the beginning of his letter Dan set down the date./ Syn.: PUT DOWN. 2. To stop a bus or other vehicle and let (someone) get off. * /The bus driver set her… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • set down — {v.} 1. To write; record. * /He set down all his important thoughts in his dairy./ * /At the beginning of his letter Dan set down the date./ Syn.: PUT DOWN. 2. To stop a bus or other vehicle and let (someone) get off. * /The bus driver set her… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • set\ down — v 1. To write; record. He set down all his important thoughts in his dairy. At the beginning of his letter Dan set down the date. Syn.: put down 2. To stop a bus or other vehicle and let (someone) get off. The bus driver set her down at the… …   Словарь американских идиом

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